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A December Farm Report

Writer's picture: garysjordangarysjordan

Updated: Dec 6, 2023


There is always some turnover in both the equipment and the crops. I would start with the Amber Mason Jar, but the AeroGarden Anaheim Pepper Seed Pod never germinated, so the jar is once again retired.


There are advantages to the AeroGarden systems, but I've seen some bloggers describing them as "boutique" systems, meaning you pay a bit more for the name. You're also paying for the availability of a lot of pre-seeded pods and support from Etsy vendors. Other than Click & Grow and to a limited extent, Lyko, you don't find that level of support for other systems. Of course, they'd argue that you don't need it, either.

Seble: [Seble is a female Eastern African, Amharic name that means Harvest] Seble has a height extender from Etsy.

  1. AeroGarden Poblano Pepper Seed Pod, germinated.

  2. Empty Pod.

  3. Empty Pod.

  4. Empty Pod.

  5. Empty Pod.

  6. AeroGarden Poblano Pepper Seed Pod, not germinated.

Harvey: [Harvey is short for Harvest] Harvey has no height extender

  1. AeroGarden Romaine Lettuce Seed Pod, not yet germinated.

  2. Empty pod. (growing like a weed 11/13)

  3. AeroGarden Romaine Lettuce Seed Pod, not yet germinated. (growing like a weed 11/13)

  4. AeroGarden Romaine Lettuce Seed Pod, not yet germinated. (growing like a weed 11/13)

  5. Empty pod.

  6. AeroGarden Romaine Lettuce Seed Pod, not yet germinated. (growing like a weed 11/13)

Teresa: [Teresa in numerous languages, also means Harvest] Teresa has a height extender from Etsy.

  1. Empty Pod.

  2. AeroGarden Jalapeño Pepper Plant.

  3. Empty Pod.

  4. Empty Pod.

  5. Empty Pod.

  6. AeroGarden Jalapeño Pepper Plant.

Harvey Too: [Harvey Too is a play on Harvey the second and Harvey also] Harvey Too has a height extender from Etsy.

  1. Empty Pod.

  2. AeroGarden Banana Pepper Seed Pod, not yet germinated. (2.5" Anaheim pepper transplanted 11/13)

  3. Empty pod.

  4. Empty pod.

  5. AeroGarden Banana Pepper Seed Pod, not yet germinated.

  6. Empty pod.


FOUR Lyko-Style 12-pod Units

Alice [Named after my mother}

  1. AeroGarden Poblano Pepper, germinated

  2. Empty and covered

  3. AeroGarden Anaheim Pepper, germinated

  4. Empty and covered

  5. Empty and covered

  6. Empty and covered

  7. Empty and covered

  8. Empty and covered

  9. Empty and covered

  10. AeroGarden Anaheim Pepper, germinated

  11. Empty and covered

  12. AeroGarden Banana Pepper Seed Pod, germinated.

Cecile [Named after my aunt/mother's sister] Cecile has a Lyko body and lights but a QYO deck. The tomato plants are flowering.

  1. Empty and covered.

  2. Empty and covered.

  3. Empty and covered.

  4. Empty and covered.

  5. Empty and covered.

  6. AeroGarden Golden Harvest Cherry Tomato, flowering. (fruiting 11/13)

  7. AeroGarden Heirloom Cherry Tomato, flowering.

  8. Empty and covered.

  9. Empty and covered.

  10. Empty and covered.

  11. Empty and covered.

  12. Empty and covered.

Faith [Named after my eldest grandchild]

  1. Empty and covered

  2. Empty and covered

  3. Empty and covered

  4. Empty and covered

  5. Empty and covered

  6. AeroGarden Golden Harvest Cherry Tomato (Sprouted 08/19) flowering (fruiting 11/13)

  7. AeroGarden Heirloom Cherry Tomato (Sprouted 08/22) flowering (fruiting 11/13)

  8. Empty and covered

  9. Empty and covered

  10. Empty and covered

  11. Empty and covered

  12. Empty and covered

Madison [Named after my second grandchild]

  1. Empty and covered.

  2. Empty and covered.

  3. Empty and covered.

  4. Empty and covered.

  5. Empty and covered.

  6. AeroGarden Heirloom Cherry Tomato Sprouted 08/20) flowering

  7. AeroGarden Jalapeño Pepper Seed Pod, (16" tall) Lots of peppers.

  8. Empty and covered.

  9. Empty and covered.

  10. Empty and covered.

  11. Empty and covered.

  12. Empty and covered.


If there is no other advantage to an iDOO 12-pod unit, it stands out from the rest by having a built-in fan to help with pollination. I saw the effect last year with Sheba before she died. So many tomatoes!

Lulu: [Named in keeping with the "Loo" sound of Lupe and Lucy]

  1. Empty pod. Covered

  2. AeroGarden Romaine lettuce seed pod. (growing like a weed 11/13)

  3. Empty pod. Covered

  4. AeroGarden Romaine lettuce seed pod. (growing like a weed 11/13)

  5. Empty pod. Covered

  6. Empty pod. Covered

  7. Empty pod. Covered

  8. Empty pod. Covered

  9. AeroGarden Romaine lettuce seed pod. (growing like a weed 11/13)

  10. Empty pod. Covered

  11. AeroGarden Romaine lettuce seed pod. (growing like a weed 11/13)

  12. Empty pod. Covered

Louise: [Named in keeping with the "Loo" sound of Lupe and Lucy]

  1. Empty pod. Covered

  2. Empty pod. Covered

  3. Empty pod. Covered

  4. Empty pod. Covered

  5. Empty pod. Covered

  6. Empty pod. Covered

  7. Empty pod. Covered

  8. Empty pod. Covered

  9. Empty Pod with thermometer

  10. Empty pod. Covered

  11. Empty pod. Covered

  12. Empty pod. Covered

Lucy: [Named for Lucile Ball]

  1. Empty Pod

  2. Lyko Butterhead Lettuce Seed Pod, germinated. (growing like a weed 11/13)

  3. Empty Pod

  4. Lyko Butterhead Lettuce Seed Pod, germinated. (growing like a weed 11/13)

  5. Lyko Butterhead Lettuce Seed Pod, germinated. (growing like a weed 11/13)

  6. Empty Pod

  7. Lyko Butterhead Lettuce Seed Pod, germinated. (growing like a weed 11/13)

  8. Empty Pod

  9. Empty Pod

  10. Empty Pod (Harvested and eaten)

  11. Empty Pod

  12. Lyko Butterhead Lettuce Seed Pod, germinated. (growing like a weed 11/13)

Lupe: [Named for Ida Lupino] (I only had five of the same seed pods. Perhaps I'll plant another butterhead in position 3.)

  1. Empty Pod

  2. AeroGarden Red Sails Lettuce Seed Pod [2023-10-29] (growing like a weed 11/13)

  3. Empty Pod

  4. Empty Pod

  5. AeroGarden Red Sails Lettuce Seed Pod [2023-10-29] (growing like a weed 11/13)

  6. Empty Pod

  7. AeroGarden Red Sails Lettuce Seed Pod [2023-10-29] (growing like a weed 11/13)

  8. Empty Pod

  9. Empty Pod

  10. AeroGarden Red Sails Lettuce Seed Pod [2023-10-29] (growing like a weed 11/13)

  11. Empty Pod

  12. AeroGarden Red Sails Lettuce Seed Pod [2023-10-29] (growing like a weed 11/13)


SEVEN Aerovoir reservoirs

  1. Shirley [Shirley is short for Chalchiuhtlicue ("She of the Jade Skirt"), an Aztec deity of water, rivers, seas, streams, storms, and baptism.] She is serving Lulu and Louise.

  2. Nancy [Nancy is from Naiad. In Greek mythology, the naiads are a type of female spirit, or nymph, presiding over fountains, wells, springs, streams, brooks and other bodies of fresh water.] She is serving Lupe and Lucy.

  3. Lassy [Lassy is from Thalassa- primeval spirit of the sea. She was a consort of Pontus and together they presided over the seas.] She is serving Cecile.

  4. Anny [Anny is for Anuket, the ancient Egyptian goddess of the cataracts of the Nile and Lower Nubia in general, worshipped especially at Elephantine near the First Cataract] She is serving Seble and Harvey.

  5. Doris [Named for Doris, a sea goddess.] Serving Teresa and Harvey Too.

  6. Ariel [named for the Disney princess] Serving Alice.

  7. Lori [named for Superman's mermaid college girlfriend, Lori Lemaris.] Serving Faith and Madison.

The various Aerovoirs serve the various units in slightly different configurations. The four Harvests have a base which contains the various controls for the units. That raises the container enough to require the Aerovoir's pedestal to raise the reservoir to the proper height to maintain the proper level in the container.

The iDOOs are short. The pedestal is not employed, and the containers must be raised about ½". Similarly, the QYOs and LYKOs are short. No pedestal and raised units like the iDOOs.


THREE Four-inch Fans

As I mentioned, the iDOO units all have built-in fans. None of the others do. I'm currently employing three 4" fans to facilitate pollination in the units containing fruit-bearing plants. One of the fans is visible in this photo:


The other two are suspended from ceiling joists and aimed down. It's either rely on the fans or use my AeroGarden "Be-the-bee" vibrating pollination wand. I can't touch that wand without my dirty mind thinking of it as a sex toy, so fans it is.


In the descriptions above, it may be noted that three out of four Harvests have height extenders. The four Lyko/QYO units already have the most height extension except for the pedestal halo lights such as Katemcy is using. It was incumbent on me to determine if anyone had made a height extender for the iDOO units.

No vendor on Etsy had, but I found a FaceBook group - iDOO Power User. There was a post:

The extension is nothing more than a curtain rod affixed to the post by tie wraps. The pump needs an extension cord, preferably a foot or so. The shortest one I found on Amazon is six feet long.

Why do I care? The advantage of the iDOOs is that built-in fan that helps pollination. Note the four-inch fans employed around the Harvests and QYO/Lyko units for that very reason. I'd like to grow taller plants in the iDOOs, and not just the tomato and pepper plants growing in the others.



I should have worked harder on my hydroponic farm. Somehow, despite reservoirs, two of my Harvests ran low water and I didn’t catch it in time to save two of my jalapeño plants. All their leaves fell off, but I managed to harvest nearly 50 peppers. I’m going to make an enormous batch of salsa. That was all from Teresa. Harvey is full of Romaine Lettuce and seems unharmed by a little low water.

Louise was harvested last week (lettuce again) and is awaiting cleaning with bleach. It will be replanted with more lettuce of one kind or another.

One thing to pass on – AeroGarden advertises that the AeroGarden Aerovoir reservoir would let you leave your garden (their Harvest or Bounty) for up to two weeks untended, without running out of water. That turns out not to be the case. [Readers of the team of Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle will recognize this phrase as the polite way to call “Bullshit!”] I have to refill all seven of my reservoirs at least weekly, and every three to four days for the units serving two gardens. The unit (Doris) that watered Teresa also served Harvey Two for a total of just four plants, two each.

I still have one healthy jalapeño plant in Madison. The rest of my pepper plants, all immature, are Anaheims, Poblanos, and Banana Peppers.

Meanwhile, the tomatoes are all still green.

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