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A Pre-June Farm Report

Writer's picture: garysjordangarysjordan

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

2023-05-29 (It's still May) [Updated 2023-06-05]

I am strictly an indoor hydroponic gardener. The dotter grows plants both indoors and out, in dirt or soil. My house has a sunroom which I have ceded to the dotter for her arboretum. No matter - she grows things in every other room of the house except my basement. I live in the basement - that's my domain.

I don't routinely report on the dotter's gardening efforts. I can't keep up with what she grows and where. She tells me the house came with wild raspberries and grapes. She and her Significant Otter have acquired and planted various fruit trees and cinderblock gardens. I hope to contribute cherry tomato bushes and possibly pepper plants. I know she's planted roses along the fence they erected [the city decided that she should have gotten a permit, first] so they could put the dogs out. Someday, there will be enough plants intertwined with the fence that Lady Barksalot (AKA Zoe) will not be able to see anyone to bark at. (Seriously - if she can see you, she will bark, and she has very good eyesight.)

In establishing my "farm," I have relied on four types or brands of hydroponic equipment: Amber Mason Jars (regular and wide mouth), iDOO 12-pod gardens, AeroGarden Harvest 6-pod gardens, and Click & Grow Smart Garden-3s. At one time there were also QYO 12-pod units and an iDOO 6-pod bucket-shaped unit. I traded the QYOs for another iDOO, and the bucket-shaped unit died. I kept most of the components. There are many types and styles of hydroponic gardens


SIX Kratky Mason Jars


  1. Katemcy: [Named for a town in Mason County, Texas. The sole wide-mouth jar.] (Scheduled from 00:00 to 12:00). AeroGarden Golden Harvest Tomato Seed Pod., Lit by a halo on a stand.

  2. nameless: AeroGarden Golden Harvest Tomato Seed Pod., Lit by a halo on a stand. (Scheduled from 04:00 to 16:00)

  3. nameless: AeroGarden Heirloom Cherry Tomato Seed Pod., Lit by a halo on a stand. (Scheduled from 08:00 to 20:00)

  4. nameless: AeroGarden Heirloom Cherry Tomato Seed Pod., Lit by a halo on a stand. (Scheduled from 12:00 to 24:00)

  5. nameless: AeroGarden Heirloom Cherry Tomato Seed Pod., Lit by a halo on a stand. (Scheduled from 16:00 to 04:00)

  6. nameless: AeroGarden Mega Tomato Seed Pod., Lit by a halo on a stand. (Scheduled from 20:00 to 08:00 )


SIX Smart Garden-3s [The Click & Grow Smart Garden-3 units are collectively named “the Ranch” or "the Ranches." The individual units are labeled Rancho Cero (Ranch Zero in Spanish.) and Ranch One through Ranch Five.]

The Click & Grow Smart Garden-3 Template


Rancho Cero: (Scheduled from 00:00 to 16:00)

  1. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce

  2. Empty and covered.

  3. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce

Ranch One: (Scheduled from 04:00 to 20:00)

  1. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce

  2. Empty and covered.

  3. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce

Ranch Two: (Scheduled from 08:00 to 24:00)

  1. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce 2023-06-05.

  2. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce 2023-06-05.

  3. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce 2023-06-05.

Ranch Three: (Scheduled from 12:00 to 04:00)

  1. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce 2023-06-05.

  2. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce 2023-06-05.

  3. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce 2023-06-05.

Ranch Four: (Scheduled from 16:00 to 08:00)

  1. Click & Grow Red Bell Pepper

  2. Empty and covered.

  3. Click & Grow Red Bell Pepper

Ranch Five: (Scheduled from 20:00 to 12:00)

  1. Click & Grow Red Bell Pepper

  2. Empty and covered.

  3. Click & Grow Red Bell Pepper


The AeroGarden Harvest Template

From Left to Right:


Seble: (Scheduled from 00:00 to 15:00) [Seble is a female Eastern African, Amharic name that means Harvest]

  1. AeroGarden Red Fire Pepper Seed Pod, growing

  2. Green Onion, growing from roots.

  3. Green Onion, growing from roots.

  4. Green Onion, growing from roots.

  5. Green Onion, growing from roots.

  6. AeroGarden Purple Super Hot Seed Pod, growing

Harvey: (Scheduled from 06:00 to 21:00) [Harvey is short for Harvest]

  1. Green Onion, growing from roots.

  2. Green Onion, growing from roots.

  3. AeroGarden Bell Pepper.

  4. Green Onion, growing from roots.

  5. Green Onion, growing from roots.

  6. Green Onion, growing from roots.

Teresa : (Scheduled from 12:00 to 03:00) [Teresa in numerous languages, also means Harvest]

  1. AeroGarden Red Fire Pepper Seed Pod, growing

  2. Green Onion, growing from roots.

  3. Green Onion, growing from roots (after photo).

  4. Green Onion, growing from roots (after photo).

  5. Green Onion, growing from roots.

  6. AeroGarden Red Fire Pepper Seed Pod, growing

Harvey Too: (Scheduled from 18:00 to 09:00) [Harvey Too is a play on Harvey the second and Harvey also]

  1. Genovese Basil

  2. Curly Parsley

  3. Thai Basil

  4. Thyme

  5. Dill

  6. Mint


FIVE Aerovoir reservoirs

  1. Shirley [Shirley is short for Chalchiuhtlicue ("She of the Jade Skirt"), an Aztec deity of water, rivers, seas, streams, storms, and baptism.] She is serving Lulu and Louise.

  2. Nancy [Nancy is from Naiad. In Greek mythology, the naiads are a type of female spirit, or nymph, presiding over fountains, wells, springs, streams, brooks and other bodies of fresh water.] She is serving Lupe and Lucy.

  3. Lassy [Lassy is from Thalassa- primeval spirit of the sea. She was a consort of Pontus and together they presided over the seas.] She is serving Teresa.

  4. Anny [Anny is for Anuket, the ancient Egyptian goddess of the cataracts of the Nile and Lower Nubia in general, worshipped especially at Elephantine near the First Cataract] She is serving Seble and Harvey.

  5. Doris [Named for Doris, a sea goddess.] Serving Harvey Too.


from left to right:


The iDOO 12-pod Template

Lulu: [Named in keeping with the "Loo" sound of Lupe and Lucy] (Scheduled from 00:00 to 16:00)

  1. EZ-Gro Romaine Lettuce

  2. EZ-Gro Butter Head Lettuce

  3. EZ-Gro Red/Green Romaine Lettuce

  4. Empty pod.

  5. EZ-Gro Romaine Lettuce

  6. EZ-Gro Butter Head Lettuce

  7. EZ-Gro Red/Green Romaine Lettuce

  8. Empty pod.

  9. EZ-Gro Romaine Lettuce

  10. EZ-Gro Butter Head Lettuce

  11. EZ-Gro Red/Green Romaine Lettuce

  12. Empty pod.

Louise: [Named in keeping with the "Loo" sound of Lupe and Lucy] (Scheduled from 06:00 to 22:00)

  1. Empty Pod

  2. Some kinda broccoli

  3. Empty Pod

  4. Some kinda broccoli

  5. Some kinda broccoli

  6. Empty Pod

  7. Some kinda broccoli

  8. Empty Pod

  9. Empty Pod

  10. Some kinda broccoli

  11. Empty Pod with thermometer

  12. Empty Pod

Lupe: [Named for Ida Lupino] (Scheduled from 12:00 to 04:00)

  1. EZ-Gro Arugula

  2. Empty Pod

  3. EZ-Gro Arugula

  4. Empty Pod

  5. Empty Pod

  6. EZ-Gro Arugula

  7. Empty Pod

  8. EZ-Gro Arugula

  9. EZ-Gro Arugula

  10. Empty Pod

  11. Empty Pod

  12. EZ-Gro Arugula

Lucy: [Named for Lucile Ball] (Scheduled from 18:00 to 10:00)

  1. Empty Pod

  2. EZ-Gro Green Chard

  3. Empty Pod

  4. EZ-Gro Green Chard

  5. EZ-Gro Green Chard

  6. Empty Pod

  7. EZ-Gro Green Chard

  8. Empty Pod

  9. Empty Pod

  10. EZ-Gro Green Chard

  11. Empty Pod

  12. EZ-Gro Green Chard


Over half my equipment came directly from Click & Grow or AeroGarden or from Etsy. Some even came from Walmart. But all the links above are to Amazon.

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