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Writer's picturegarysjordan

An Interim January Farm Report

Updated: Jan 28, 2023

[most recent update 2023-01-28]


As of this date, I have two iDOO 12-pod gardens in service. The iDOO 12-pod units are Lupy and Lucy. The AeroGarden AeroVoir reservoir Anny is maintaining the water level in both using a Y-connector. A 1/4" hole drilled into the fill port of each provides entry for the reservoir tubing.

The iDOO 12-pod Template


  1. Empty pod.

  2. Empty pod.

  3. Empty pod.

  4. Empty pod.

  5. AeroGarden Salad Greens Seed Pod, germinated.

  6. Empty pod.

  7. AeroGarden Salad Greens Seed Pod, germinated.

  8. AeroGarden Salad Greens Seed Pod, germinated.

  9. AeroGarden Marvel of the 4 Seasons Seed Pod.

  10. AeroGarden Salad Greens Seed Pod, germinated.

  11. AeroGarden Salad Greens Seed Pod, germinated.

  12. AeroGarden Salad Greens Seed Pod, germinated.


  1. Spinach pod.

  2. Empty pod.

  3. Empty pod.

  4. Empty pod.

  5. Spinach pod.

  6. Empty pod.

  7. AeroGarden Golden Harvest Tomato Seed Pod.

  8. Empty pod.

  9. Spinach pod.

  10. Empty pod.

  11. Empty pod.

  12. Empty pod.

Not all of the gardening equipment is unpacked from the move - there were other priorities. However, the entire East Wall of the shop in the basement is now designated The Garden Wall. There are six three-shelf bookcases to support six Smart Garden-3s, four AeroGarden Harvests, four AeroVoir reservoirs, three iDOO 12-pod gardens, and an assortment of wide and regular mouth Amber 32-ounce Mason Jars with Kratky adapters. I have one Halo grow lights type 1, four Halo Grow Lights type 2, four Halo Grow Light Stand type 3, four Halo Grow Light Stand type 3, and two Bar style Grow Lights to support the mason jars.

I'll need to perform another inventory to know what I can plant. I know that I have a bunch of tomato plants that grow too tall for the units I have. I have several sets of gourmet herbs and salad seeds. That was the source of the spinach pods. I have an entire box of Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce pods, but not enough power to use the Smart Gardens yet.

That's all for now. At least I can foresee salads in my future.



I am sometimes an idiot. Oh, i can also sometimes soar up to the level of competent, but I must admit to overlooking the obvious. I don't have sufficient power for all twenty gardening units? I think not, at least on a continuing basis. And typically, the units run for sixteen hours. But suppose I stagger their start times. The plants aren't getting sunlight, just grow lights. Dawn is when the light comes on. Sunset is when the lights go off.

There are six Smart Garden-3s. Two will come on at 6 AM, two at 2 PM, and two at 10 PM. Three iDOO units divide up to those times just peachy. Four Harvests don't divide as well by three. An obvious solution would be to stagger them at six hour intervals, but an alternative would be to go with 8 hours and balance the fourth unit with Mason jars and their lights.

This plan means that two thirds of the units will be on at any given time. I'll plan for the iDOOs and SG-3s to start, then add in the Harvests when I see the results. I might leave a Harvest fallow and store the jars. Only time (and my breakers) will tell.




Having rigged power to two units, it seemed sensible to rig power for all the units. So, I did. I had two power strips from the Mancave. I fastened them to the joists over the Garden Wall such that they cover the entire length of the wall and therefore all of the garden units. Maybe not the mason jar units. We'll see.

Then I fastened a board to extend the sixth bookcase. I needed more room. I spent an hour staging power supplies to make sure everything reached.

I shopped two different Food Lions for distilled water. At the second store, the stocker said the water suppliers were having equipment problems. I may have to start with tap water. If I'm up at 4 AM, I'll put Lou (the third iDOO 12-pod unit) online with some sort of salad greens. If I'm not up, it'll wait.

After that, I have sufficient salad stuff to start all six Smart Garden-3s. They're lower wattage, so I may be okay.



The Smart Garden-3s are all prepped to join the party.

The Click & Grow Smart Garden-3 Template

Ranchero Cero: (4 AM to 8 PM)

  1. Click & Grow Green Lettuce.

  2. Click & Grow Green Lettuce

  3. Click & Grow Green Lettuce

Ranch One: (4 AM to 8 PM)

  1. Click & Grow Green Lettuce

  2. Click & Grow Green Lettuce

  3. Click & Grow Green Lettuce

Ranch Two: (12 PM to 4 AM)

  1. Click & Grow Green Lettuce

  2. Click & Grow Green Lettuce

  3. Click & Grow Green Lettuce

Ranch Three: (12 PM to 4 AM)

  1. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce

  2. Empty. Covered

  3. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce

Ranch Four: (8 PM to 12 Noon)

  1. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce

  2. Empty. Covered

  3. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce

Ranch Five: (8 PM to 12 Noon)

  1. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce

  2. Empty. Covered

  3. Click & Grow Romaine Lettuce

Lou is joining the lineup.

The iDOO 12-pod Template

Lou: (4 AM to 8 PM)

  1. Empty. Covered

  2. EZ-Gro Butterhead Lettuce

  3. EZ-Gro Butterhead Lettuce

  4. EZ-Gro Butterhead Lettuce

  5. EZ-Gro Butterhead Lettuce

  6. EZ-Gro Butterhead Lettuce

  7. Empty. Covered

  8. EZ-Gro Butterhead Lettuce

  9. EZ-Gro Butterhead Lettuce

  10. EZ-Gro Butterhead Lettuce

  11. EZ-Gro Butterhead Lettuce

  12. Empty. Covered (Thermometer)

Lucy: Updated to add more Spinach. I hope some grows.

  1. EZ_Gro Spinach pod.

  2. EZ_Gro Spinach pod.

  3. Empty pod.

  4. Empty pod.

  5. EZ_Gro Spinach pod.

  6. EZ_Gro Spinach pod.

  7. AeroGarden Golden Harvest Tomato Seed Pod.

  8. Empty pod.

  9. EZ_Gro Spinach pod.

  10. EZ_Gro Spinach pod.

  11. Empty pod.

  12. Empty pod.




My order from AeroGarden via Amazon arrived. Nine Romaine Lettuce seed pods and nine Chili Pepper seed pods. The peppers break down further to three each of Red Fire chili peppers, Purple Super-Hot chili peppers, and Mini-Jalapeño peppers. I have learned that the Red Fires are my best bet for a plentiful crop, but the Harvest containing them can contain two seed pods and nothing else. The other two Harvests could each contain two pepper seed pods or I could fill one with Romaine lettuce.

Since I have 24 pods of lettuce already, and six more of spinach, I do believe I'll go the pepper route. The next cycle is due to start at 8 PM, so Seble gets a pair of Red Fire Pepper seed pods. Harvey will get the Purple Super-Hots and Teresa the Mini-Jalapeño peppers. That takes this update well into the 29th.

I also received a small syphon with 1/4-inch tubing to make my own reservoir. Maybe.


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