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  • Writer's picturegarysjordan

Another Farm Report to Endure

The salad greens are staging a comeback from their buzz cut.

The first two pictures are the lettuce that was harvested, already putting out new leaves. The third picture is the newly planted Romaine lettuce. You can just make out the sprouts. There are two Romaines. I fully expect to be able to harvest again in three to six weeks.

Everything in the Click & Grow systems is growing, though I haven't heard a single click. The ladies are encouraging me to make pesto, because I told them I was sacrificing two of the basil plants. I actually ripped them from their pods and buried them outside. Well, I buried the roots. Perhaps I'll be able to make a video: Pesto Gone Wild! They could hold a wet leaf contest...

I didn't have the heart to tell the ladies that I'm not all that fond of pesto. The basil is interesting, but I'm not all that fond of basil, either. It's growing because it a) came with the hydroponic system and 2) it's the fastest growing thing I own. If I develop more of a taste for it, I have four more sets of three pods I could plant.

The other fast-growing thing is my tomato plants. The pictures are too fuzzy for this report. I tried to take close-ups of what might be blossoms starting in little clusters. No tomatoes without blossoms, so I have my fingers crossed.

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