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  • Writer's picturegarysjordan

Farmer Mock It


Where did the plants go? Why did the plants go? What's going on?

Well, I'm going to tell you. Elsewhere in this blog is a post titled Home Moanership XVII. It's about lighting and how I have addressed lighting issues. One of the complaints addressed was that rather than use a light switch, the dotter and her kinder - my beloved grandkinder - would just use the washer and dryer using the grow-light illumination from the garden room.


I am a curmudgeon. I admit it. I can be vindictive and spiteful. So how did I address the issue of using my gardens as illumination?


That's right. Eliminated the illumination. There's ample light to navigate the room and all the plants are accessible from the far side. Notice that I did not ask, AITA? Because I am.

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