JANUARY 18, 2023 AT 1:32 PM
Happy Third Wednesday of the Month (AKA Social Security Check Day)! I can afford to pay my mortgage, or eat. Maybe both. I just got out of bed, roused by a missed phone call. 12:48 in the afternoon. I might have been up really, really late last night reading Welcome to Temptation again. It is such a pleasure having heat and electricity again! My desktop thermometer says 72.5°F/22.6°C. Also 40%RH. Home Moanership is never without problems. Never! Jest some’s less worser’n others. Good heat? Good power? The hot water faucet in the tub drips in 8/8 time. Step 1 – locate and shut the cutoff valve. Done. Step 2 – disassemble the faucet and identify the gasket/o-ring/seat type and run to Lowe’s for a replacement. But first, there’s coffee! Replies:
Jan Kindwoman JANUARY 18, 2023 AT 2:54 PM Home Moanership. So true. It’s always something!
aunt snack JANUARY 18, 2023 AT 3:12 PM As Roseanne Rosannadanna used to say, “If it’s not one thing, it’s another.”
Gary J JANUARY 18, 2023 AT 6:08 PM AND another! Lowe’s did not carry the right seat. They sent me to McKay’s True Value Hardware. True Value had exactly the right part… 40 years ago. I searched thru bins and found something that might substitute for the right part. I installed it. It’s a temporary fix. NEXT problem, please. I tested a reservoir with Lucy the hydroponic garden. It worked. Since Lucy was full of water, I planted six lettuce plants. They probably won’t grow – I was fully dressed when I planted them.
